A Spirit Guide is an entity/soul/being in the realm outside of our own, who is assigned to support and guide you as you progress and learn the lessons set for this lifetime. They see us in our true energy form and have the ability to show themselves to us in a form that is comforting.
The awareness and support of spirit guides is not limited to Reiki, however in some cases the Reiki attunement brings with it a deeper and clearer perception regarding their existence and how they may support you, not only on your Reiki journey but also as part of your daily life. During my own attunements my awareness of my spirit guides became more defined. I was previously aware of one of my guides and felt the presence of another but I couldn't name or describe them in any detail. I feel this belief came from my spiritual path before Reiki.
Making contact with your spirit guides can be achieved through a variety of ways and some people find the process easier than others. Even if you are unable to connect to the point where you know their name and what they look like accept that they are with you always waiting for you to ask for their guidance. They will be able to communicate their message to you some how, you won't need to strain yourself to hear it.
I met my guides through the process of guided meditation and I think this is a valuable practice to master, it isn't the only way but this has been how I have connected so I will provide only my experience here. Take the time to build up the time you meditate from a minute to two and increase until you reach a comfortable period for you that is insightful but not tiring. I tend to meditate between 10 and 20 minutes on average, sometimes I can meditate for 45 minutes but that isn't common for me. Again don't try too hard and build up the time gradually, don't expect yourself to get it right first time. I find guided meditations most useful as I will wander off away from the guided voice but if I lose focus I can refocus back into mediation using the voice when needed. You will find many different types of meditation so research and try the different ways and see which suits you best. Youtube.com can be a useful resource for meditations as well as iTunes, music shops, alternative/new age/occult shops as well as some meditation CDs in books shops in the mind body and spirit section.
Anyway back to the point of this discussion, I am now aware of 4 guides complete with their backgrounds which are very different from one another and their recognisable ages vary from a female child to that of a mature male.
I will share with you the guides that are with me currently and a brief description alongside how they help me both with my Reiki journey but also my spirituals and daily life. I will refrain from using their names here as they are personal to me. I am not limited to just 4 guides there may be many other who may come and go throughout my lifetime.
The first spirit guide that I clearly identified was a Celtic lady, she presents herself as a slender lady dressed in green, with mahogany red hair and startlingly green eyes. Her purpose is to support me when I perform Reiki on myself and on clients, she helps me to identify where my hands should be placed on a clients body to channel the reiki energy directly to the area in need. She is a healer.
The second spirit guide was a mature man of Scandinavian heritage. He is a woodsman with shoulder length white hair and beard, he is rugged and has been weathered by the elements, he has gentle blue eyes. He carries and axe with an intricate pattern on the handle, we met and sat by his hearth where he presented me with a dagger. His purpose is as a gatekeeper and protector. He guides positive spirit towards me and keeps me safe from negative spirit who may drain my energy.
The third spirit guide was a surprise to me. It feels quite cliché to have an American Indian but he presents himself as a young warrior, long black hair and dark brown eyes, muscular physique with painted face and body. His purpose is to help me maintain my link and fascination with nature, her elements, her strength and fragility. He helps me to accept and cherish what cannot be changed such as the cycle of life and gives me the power to fight for the things that I can influence.
My final guide is a young Victorian girl, a child but a face that shows her wisdom. She is to ensure I remember to look at the world with the innocence of a child and to enjoy life, accept that while I have responsibilities I shouldn't take myself too seriously. I have found that this spills over into my private life the most and I have found that instead of things worrying me as they once did I am more inclined to laugh and carry on. Occasionally I find myself getting too involved with things and need to remind myself to step back. I'm not perfect by any means and it is a balance I'm still trying to find. She is very creative and prompts me to show my creative inside to.
I hope you have found this insightful with regards to spirit guides and their purpose in helping you along your life path, I would love to hear your experiences.
Reiki Blessings & Love