Sunday, 23 February 2014

Energy cleansing and Energy protection

Our energy or auric field expands beyond our physical body, it expands when we are happy and contracts when we are ill or sad.
Each and every day we are bombarded with energy, some of this energy is positive and influences us in a positive and uplifting way, at the same time we are exposed to negative energy which has a negative or destructive influence upon our emotions and experiences. To avoid being bogged down or overwhelmed by the negative energy it is important to regularly cleanse our energy or auras and also to put in place protection to limit the impact that negative energy has upon us.

Energy cleansing
There are a number of ways to clear our energy centre and auric fields of negative energy. Those attuned to Reiki are able to perform what is known as a Reiki shower where they channel Reiki to cleanse away any negative energy.

An alternative method for cleansing away negative energy is to have a salt bath on a weekly basis. There are various types of salt available and I use magnesium salts as my preferred choice, but you can use rock, sea, Epsom salts and so on. Some are more expensive than others so choose one which also fits your budget. I use about 250-500g of salt per bath. If I feel particularly drained or stressed then I will use up to 1.5 kgs, and soak for 20 minutes. (NOTE: If you are currently under treatment for a medical condition, please consult with your Dr before trying this method of cleansing, as there may be some medical conditions where salt baths are not recommended.)

Energy protection
Bubbles/armour of brilliant light will effectively shield a lot of negative energy. During my Reiki training the following was suggested as a method and I use it twice daily. Visualise a bubble of brilliant light growing from you centre illuminating out around your physical body, expanding around your home and loved ones, visualise all negative energy bouncing off this bubble. The colour is an individual choice. Personally I visualise a pink light spreading out to surround everything I hold dear, but you can use any colour that you want. I repeat this visualisation on a twice daily basis, first thing in the morning when I wake and again, last thing at night as I lay down to sleep. This ensures that I am protected from the majority of negative energy 24 hours a day. Only Reiki, love and positive energy is able to permeate this bubble.