Friday, 8 August 2014

Reiki Doll

A Reiki Doll is another tool that can be used for Distance Treatments, when sending Reiki to a particular person. This type of Distance healing is also known as Correspondence Distance Treatment. Correspondence Distance treatment uses a photo or object in place of the client. Where a Reiki Doll is used, you would perform the treatment sequence on the Doll whilst visualising the recipient. The treatment time can be reduced however there is a greater level of concentration required so a quiet space should be found where you won't be disturbed for 20 minutes or so, Reiki/Soothing music can be played if that is preferred to silence.

It is important to ensure that you have received informed consent to send Reiki to a recipient before sending the Reiki energy. Informed consent is required from an adult or parent/guardian if sending a Distance treatment is being sent to a child or vulnerable adult. Reiki is a complimentary therapy which can safely be used in conjunction with conventional medical care and alternative therapies, however should not be used in place of conventional medicine.

As you would a hands-on treatment arrange a time with the recipient where they can sit quietly or lie down for approximately 45 minutes where they won't be disturbed, so that they may concentrate on receiving the treatment and receiving the full benefit.

The same after care is required where the recipient should be advised to drink more water, eat regular light meals and that they may expect some reactions resulting from toxins being removed from the body. These are nothing to worry about however it is important that you are available to the recipient should they have any concerns or questions.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Reiki and Animals

Animals react positively to Reiki energy and while Reiki treatment should never be given in place of veterinary treatment it can work alongside very well indeed.

One of my own dogs, Molly was adopted from a rescue centre after spending some time as a stray. She suffers from separation anxiety and is quite the worrier which shows as a sensitive tummy. We've found that when she seems a little overwhelmed, me sitting for 30minutes with her channelling Reiki into her doggy chakras really does soothe her. She is an absolute fan of Reiki and has been known to stand and lean against me when I'm channelling Reiki either whilst treating my husband or sending distance healing.

All animals have chakras just like we humans do. Their chakras don't exactly correlate to the human chakras in positions, you can find images examples on the internet using sites such as Pinterest.

To channel Reiki for an animal is maybe more simple than for a human because you let the animal guide where they want you to place your hands. Ask your guides to come and assist you, draw Reiki into yourself and then channel it through your hands into your animal recipient. If they don't wish to receive reiki they will get up and leave. If it isn't possible or appropriate to be hands on with the animal recipient you can channel Reiki in the same way either sitting in the vicinity of the animal or through distance healing.   Don't be offended if an animal rejects your offer of Reiki, one of my cats turned down a reiki treatment but only the first time, I guess he found the experience initially unusual and he's not one for change, so I amended my way of channelling the Reiki energy to him until he felt more comfortable having my hands placed on him while giving him a treatment.

I hope you have found my blog interesting and I'd love your experience of hands on healing whether it be Reiki or another healing modality.

With Reiki Blessings
